Podcast #51 – Nothing Good Comes Easy – What is your Hard?
Marriage is hard – divorce is hard. Obesity is hard – being fit is hard. Being in debt is hard – being financially disciplined is hard. Communication is hard. Not communicating is hard. Choose your hard. Life will never be easy – it will always be “hard” – the way it should be because we should respect what we earn; however, we can choose our “hard”! During Podcast #51 Coach Robb describes his personal experience of choosing his hard and walks through the four attributes associated with what defines “hard” – perception, attitude, intent and approach.
For the second half of the show, grab a piece of paper and get ready to jot down the six imperative steps to establishing a blueprint for overcoming and embracing your “hard”. Coach Robb doesn’t guarantee that the physical and mental effort is going to be easier, because nothing good in life comes easy! Instead, he does promise that with a slightly different perspective, a change of attitude, having clarity of intent, and following a definitive strategy, you will enjoy the fruits of your mental and physical labor and the best that life has to offer in all four quadrants of life – personally, professionally, financially, as well as your health, wellness and athletic performance.
Yours in sport & health,
-Coach Robb, Coaches & Staff