Podcast #46 – Overcoming Lack of Motivation Associated with Performance

Are you feeling as if your motivation has faded away as you deal with things such as COVID, canceled races, and/or the culmination of your key race of the year?  During Podcast #46 Coach Robb dives deep into 10 reasons why the dark cloud is upon us and how it quietly, but aggressively works its way into our mental head space.

Topics addressed include:

  • What is the #1 reason why motivation wanes?
  • Does the brain work better with or without structure?
  • Does exercise, training and racing add a dynamic that we thrive on as humans?
  • What is our biggest fear as humans when we are met with uncertainty?
  • How do high levels of stress and anxiety result in injuries and sickness?
  • Why helicopter parents are ruining the confidence and capabilities of young athletes.
  • Why the lack of coach accountability is the burden of parents, educational institutions and performance programs.

After listening to this podcast, you will have a different perspective on why this happens how to  re-spark your motivation to exercise, train and race (even if it is against yourself)!  Sit down, kick your feet up and enjoy the next hour of conversation…

If you have any questions that you would like Coach Robb and his team to break down on future podcasts, don’t hesitate to send an email toContact@CoachRobb.com .

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Yours in sport & health,

-Coach Robb, Coaches & Staff