Podcast #38 – The Power of Knowledge and Understanding the Why?

There is literally an epidemic of burnout, injury and illness regarding the health of individuals and athletes of all ages, mainly due to the lack of knowledge amongst parents and coaches alike.  Parents and athletes put their trust into individuals (aka “Coaches”) that claim they know what is right for the athlete (regardless of sport or age) only to find that their athlete is being over trained and threatened if they ask WHY they are training the way they are.

During this podcast, Coach Robb addresses a listener’s email regarding an elite tennis coach who actually advocates fast food for his athletes and provides insight into why the statement is not only absurd, but is both unhealthy and dangerous for athletes and non-athletes alike. Coach Robb also discusses the importance of understanding the WHY behind performance frustrations  – whether a triathlete, baseball player, runner, motocross racer, or someone wanting to drop body fat once and for all. By drilling down on the source of the frustration and addressing the WHY (instead of simply following a generic training plan), athletes can learn to train with specificity, make performance gains, and avoid injury and/or exhaustion.

Note: Per the requests of listeners, Coach Robb will be doing podcasts specific to sports in future shows.  If you have a question or frustration specific to your favorite sport/discipline, please email them to Christy at Contact@CoachRobb.com to ensure that he addresses them.

Listener questions include: How do I stop the craving of simple sugar? How do I improve strength to weight ratios specific to Ironman triathlon training? Which is more efficient – standing or sitting while climbing on the bike? What should I do to improve baseball specific speed? Why did I run out of energy while doing the 2-Week Food Challenge and the 3-2-1 Walk Challenge?

Here are the Amazon links to Coach Robb’s books on Kindle and Paperback:

Coach Robb’s Smoothie Recipe Book – on Kindle and in Paperback


Coach Robb’s Healthy Meals Recipe Book – on Kindle and in Paperback


Coach Robb’s Additional Websites & Resources: 







