Podcast #27 – The Ultimate Four-Step Holiday Survival Guide & Seven Surprising Sources of Injuries
During the first half of this podcast, Coach Robb explains why he wants you to embrace the joys of the holiday season with friends, family and colleagues. Many people dread the holidays because they fear gaining those unwanted pounds and feeling guilty for indulging. By following Coach Robb’s four simple steps you will minimize weight gain, avoid feeling horrible, and prepare yourself for multiple days of holiday festivities.
During the second half of the podcast, Coach Robb explains the top seven things that contribute to injuries. As Coach Robb explains, when it comes to improving your health, wellness and ultimately performance, the only two things that will impede your daily improvement is an injury and/or an illness. By implementing these seven habits into your normal routine, you will keep from getting injured as well as improve your strength, speed and endurance. As always, grab a piece of paper and jot down some notes that you can transfer over to post it notes as daily reminders.
Listeners questions include: Why is my sex drive higher in the morning? Why has my motivation and performance results plummeted? What should I study to do what Coach Robb does for my profession? What is Coach Robb’s biggest frustration as a performance coach? What is the catapult effect? and What separates Coach Robb from other coaches?
-Coach Robb, Coaches & Staff