Podcast #21 – Post-Race Depression & How to Avoid the Negative Side Effects of Over Training
Over the last 34 years of coaching, Coach Robb has seen countless cases of post-race depression. This is not a subject that he takes lightly and in this podcast he explains why it happens, as well as providing some very important steps you can take to help offset the symptoms. **Note: if you are dealing with depression, Coach Robb strongly urges you to seek professional help immediately! **
Coach Robb also outlines what over training is, how to identify if you are on the path to overtraining, along with four specific questions you must answer to keep it from happening again. Grab a piece of paper and jot down the blueprint Coach Robb is going to walk you through so that you can elevate your health, wellness and performance without having any future performance setbacks.
Listeners questions include:
- What is the difference between electrolytes and calories in a sports drink?
- When should I resume training after muscle soreness?
- Can you drink Energy Fuel with dinner?
- What is the fine line between being too technical and not technical enough?
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